Club Management Print

The activities of the International Club of Slovakia are managed by the ICS Council and Chairman of the Club.

The ICS Council consists of active representatives of long-term Club members with experience from business stays abroad, contacts with foreign partners and knowledge of foreign languages, as well as top experts from among the chief representatives of the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, who contribute by their advice and activities to increasing the professional standard of the Club. The ICS Council annually approves the program of activities on the basis of a members' vote on suggestions submitted to the Club by its members, discusses reports on Club activities, its economy and budget, information about membership, payment of contributions, preparation of important events etc., adopts resolutions on the amount of the annual membership fee, long-term concepts of Club objectives etc., etc. The members of the ICS Council participate at gatherings of the Club. The ICS Council meets regularly four times a year.

The Chairman of the Club is in charge of all organisational matters regarding Club events, both work-sessions with members on program topics and social, relaxation and educational events such as balls, golf tournaments and visits to industrial parks or plants, provides for speakers and other guests, leads Club meetings, develops contacts with representatives of state bodies and regional representatives, foreign diplomats, business experts from abroad, represents the Club in public, maintains and develops personal contacts with Club members, ensures that they are informed of Club events and receive invitations to them in due time, consults decisions of higher importance with the Vice-Chairman and deals with organisational and economic questions at regular work sessions with the Club Secretary. He is responsible for the management and finances of the ICS. The Chairman is the sole representative of the Club, who is financially rewarded, the activities of other Council members are voluntary.


The ICS's Council:





Ing. Dušan Rozbora

President of the ICS, elected in November 2011

Former Ambassador


Ing. Dušan Rozbora, predseda MK

Ing. Ján Marônek

Vice-President of the Club

Director General, Tradepetrol a.s., Bratislava

Ing. Marônek, podpredseda MK SR

Associate Professor  Ing. Juraj Sipko, PhD., MBA

Executive secretary

Vice-Dean, Paneuropean University


Ing. Marônek, podpredseda MK SR



Ing. Igor Racík

Member of the ICS Council

Director General, Chirana Progress s.r.o., Piešťany

Ing. Racík, tajomník MK SR

Ing. Dušan Jasečko

Member of the ICS Council

Director General, Keraming a.s., Trenčín

Ing. Jasečko, člen Rady MK SR

Ing. Július Šabo

Member of the ICS Council

Executive Director, Motor-Car Bratislava, s.r.o.

Ing. Šabo, člen Rady MK SR

Prof. Ing. Milan Šikula, DrSc.,

Member of the ICS Council

Director of Economic Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

Ing. Šabo, člen Rady MK SR

Ing. Peter Paulen

Member of the ICS Council

Former Ambassador, Executive Director, Konfuciov inštitút v Bratislave, n.o.

Ing. Šabo, člen Rady MK SR

PhDr. Anna Tureničová, PhD.

Ambassador, Director of the Diplomatic Protocol,

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the

Slovak Republic




Anna Turienčinová

Ing. Hromadka, predseda MK SR


Founder of the ICS:

Ing. Rudolf Hromádka

Former President of the ICS from January 1993 to November 2011,

Former diplomat, Piešťany

Ing. Hromadka, predseda MK SR